Wellness at Hotel Waldschlösschen
Time for yourself
Unser hochmoderner Wellness-Bereich GartenSpa ist eine wahre Oase für Geist und Sinne, denn hier setzt sich die Philosophie des Waldschlösschens fort.
Genuss im Einklang mit der Natur, so lautet denn auch das Konzept unseres GartenSpas. Dieses findet sich von der harmonischen Gestaltung über den Einsatz pflanzlicher Pflegeprodukte und wohltuender Kräuter bis hin zum idyllischen Gartenbereich in allen Facetten unseres Wellness-Angebots wieder.
Öffnungszeiten Spa Bereiche
Mo. – So.: 6.00 bis 22.00 Uhr
Mo. – Fr.: 15.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Sa. – So.: 13.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Alle anderen Saunen und Dampfbäder:
Mo. – Fr.: 17.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Sa. – So.: 13.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Swimming pool and fitness
For a healthy body
Whether you are looking for light exercise or a strengthening workout, if you want to do sports, you will find the ideal conditions at the Waldschlösschen - both in the open air and in our wellness area.
Swim your laps in our 5 x 10 meter swimming pool with counter current system or visit our modern equipped fitness room, where our trained staff will gladly instruct you about the equipment.
A small paradise
Our GartenSpa.

Our ultra-modern wellness area GartenSpa is a true oasis for the mind and senses, moreover here the philosophy of the Waldschlösschen continues.
Pleasure in harmony with nature is also the concept behind our GardenSpas. This can be found in all aspects of our wellness offer, from the harmonious design to the use of natural care products and beneficial herbs to the idyllic garden area.
Do the sauna, bathe, rest, enjoy treatments or have a walk in the herb garden - our GardenSpa offers you the right "stress-free program" for every mood:
- Saunas: Finnish Sauna (90°), Bio Sauna (50°), aroma steam bath, ice fountain, waterfall and emotional showers, Kneipp hose, foot basin and heated benches
- Ladies Lounge with private finnish sauna
- PrivatSpa with Rasul temple, Vichy shower, bathtube and waterbed
- Swimming pool and Jacuzzi
- Olearius-Banja, russian sauna outdoor
- Scent garden and herb pavilion, with the possibility of brewing tea with freshly picked herbs
DaySpa for daily guests
A little escape
Sometimes a few hours are enough to gain new strength and have new positive thoughts. Therefore, there is nothing better than a little break in our DaySpa. Whether you relax in our different Saunas, in our Ladies Lounge with a few friends or with a pleasant treatment is of course entirely up to you.
Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir im Sinne unserer Hotelgäste auf eine moderate Besucherfrequenz im GartenSpa achten, um den Erholungswert nicht zu beeinträchtigen.